| DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2002
2.9 Disposal
Waste Generator Services (WGS) is tasked with knowing all regulations concerning waste, its storage,
and its disposal. Users contact WGS when a CPCHA becomes a wasste or when they declare the CPCHA
a waste. When WGS dispositions CPCHAs, a waste technical specialist inputs the characterization data
into the Integrated Wastes Tracking System (IWTS) database, which tracks the waste to a disposal path.
WGS also notifies the ICMS chemical custodian when the CPCHA has been sent off site for final
disposition, so the ICMS database can be updated to reflect disposition."
2.10 Training
Training for employees occurs at several levels at the INEEL. Employees who work in the laboratory
receive chemical hygiene training; all other employees receive hazard communication training. In
addition, employees receive facility-specific training concerning those hazards associated with the facility
within which they work and are trained on those hazards associated with their work. This training
includes what hazards are present, what mitigating actions have been taken to protect the employee, signs
and symptoms of exposure, and what to do in an emergency. Employees are also trained in ISMS and
how to stop work should they discover an unsafe or unforeseen situation.
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