| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2002
updated periodically to identify potential hazards, including those due to chemical inventories in facilities
located in each area of the site, and to assess the appropriate course of action in response to an incident.
This assessment is used to determine the extent and scope of emergency planning and preparedness
Facility/Area Emergency Coordinators and emergency response personnel are responsible for reporting
identified events or conditions to the Emergency Duty Officer. These event or conditions are then
assessed against specific criteria to determine event categorization.
In the event of a release or an emergency, notifications are made to appropriate offsite regulatory
agencies, as required by law (i.e., CERCLA and EPCRA). These contacts may include the National
Response Center, South Carolina Emergency Response Commission, South Carolina Emergency
Preparedness Division, Georgia Energy Management Agency, the Local Emergency Planning Committee,
and the Emergency Management Agencies of local counties. For releases of a regulated substance, the
site Environmental Protection Coordinator ensures that the required regulatory notifications are made and
performs required follow-up activities for environmental impact-related events.
The site conducts emergency preparedness drills and exercises to evaluate its readiness response to
emergencies. An annual emergency drill is held onsite, in conjunction with state and local county
emergency responders, as a training exercise to improve inter-agency coordination and communication
2.9 Disposal
Disposition or disposal of chemicals from the end-user facility follows established programs for the
disposal of chemicals based on their classification. Examples of different classifications include
radioactive wastes, hazardous wastes, mixed wastes, sanitary wastes, and high-level wastes. Chemicals
that are not consumed are evaluated by the CCMC for usability. If it is determined that the chemicals are
viable and usable, they are declared as excess and accepted into the Excess Chemical Program and are
thus made available for use by any organization on site.
Periodically, the CCMC reviews the Excess Chemical Warehouse to assess viability of the products
stored and identifies non-viable items for disposal. Excess chemicals for which all redistribution options
have been exhausted are also included in this review. The CCMC is responsible for the disposal of all
non-viable material from the Excess Chemical Warehouse. Individual site organizations are responsible
for the disposal of chemicals, including those determined to be hazardous waste, in accordance with
RCRA and state regulations, and site procedures. The Solid Waste Division coordinates waste disposal
activities and the Environmental Protection Department provides guidance on waste determination and
disposal options.
2.10 Training
All site employees receive initial SRS HazCom training during the General Employee Training, a
requirement for all new employees. Every 2 years, all employees receive HazCom refresher training
during the Consolidated Annual Training. The facility-specific chemical safety training includes
identification of unique hazards posed by the chemicals used, response to spills and leaks, emergency
response actions, facility evacuation routes, and other issues. Facility-specific HazCom training for a
department or division is developed by the Central Training organization, with input from the CCMC.
This ensures a consistent training program across the site. Updated Facility-specific HazCom training is
to be taken every 2 years or whenever a new chemical hazard is introduced into the facility.
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