| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2002
Using the CIS inventory web page queries, personnel can obtain information on chemicals they need that
are already onsite. This facilitates the sharing of chemicals, thereby avoiding the costly purchase and
disposal of excess chemicals. This Waste Minimization concept is called "Purchase Avoidance."
2.8 Emergency Management
Sandia's Emergency Management organization uses CIS data to plan for potential emergencies in higher
hazard facilities. During a drill or accident, CIS data and MSDSs are used for toxicological, evacuation,
air modeling, and personal protection information. Emergency Operations Center personnel, medical
personnel, and Incident Commanders are trained to efficiently find chemical information through CIS.
2.9 Disposal
Sandia complies with all Federal and state requirements for waste disposal. Waste generators can
accumulate and manage hazardous waste in a satellite accumulation point or less-than-90-day
accumulation areas. Waste generators identify their waste to determine the applicable management and
disposal requirements. All waste generators attend training that provides them with the necessary
information to ensure compliance with all Federal, state, and SNL satellite accumulation point
requirements. Topics include sources of chemical waste information, chemical waste definition, container
selection, labeling requirements, storage requirements, accumulation time and volume limits, definition of
empty containers, waste disposal procedures, and specific waste stream disposal guidance.
2.10 Training
Sandia has a comprehensive training program for those personnel who work with all hazards at SNL.
Initial training is determined by completing the Primary Hazard Screen (PHS). Once personnel answer
the questions in the PHS, the PHS software identifies the required training. Managers can also specify
additional training. All personnel who work with chemicals are either required to take the Laboratory
Standard or HazCom courses. In addition, anyone who generates waste is required to take Waste
Generator training. Personnel responding to accidents or emergencies are required to complete
HAZWOPER training.
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