| DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2002
order to verify that they possess the knowledge and skills required to perform assignments before being
allowed to work independently.
All employees, onsite subcontractors, and guests are responsible and accountable for becoming
knowledgeable of and maintaining awareness of chemical hazards associated with their work, for
participating in the Work Control process, and for conducting their work safely. They are also
encouraged to identify chemical issues for their workplace, to work with management to provide input for
improvements and resolve concerns, and to exercise stop-work authority in cases of imminent danger.
Under ORNL's Chemical Safety subject area, employees receive information and training on the hazards
of chemicals. They also learn methods for protecting themselves from these hazards, methods for
detecting chemical hazardous chemicals, and ways to access information on the proper, use, storage and
disposal of hazardous chemicals through the manufacturer's MSDS and other resources. Additional
chemical-specific training is conducted in accordance with applicable regulations.
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