| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/2-2002
Emergency management and response personnel contact the line management chain detailing the
consequences when the threshold is reached and the action required.
Chemicals on OSHA's Process Safety Management List are maintained in quantities below the threshold
Chemical owners are e-mailed when a peroxide forming or shock-sensitive chemical has exceeded its
shelf life.
Owners are required to verify their chemical inventory annually in ACIS. They also must add bar-codes
to containers and enter required information into ACIS for chemicals that were brought onsite by visitors,
obtained as free samples from vendors, and purchased from other Just-In-Time vendors (e.g., acetone,
paints, epoxies). The owner's line management chain is notified when the annual inventory has not been
2.4 Transportation
Chemicals to be transported must be packaged by the compatibility group and must comply with
packaging and transportation requirements (LIR 405-10-01.0, "Packaging and Transportation").
Containers that have explosives in them must comply with the requirements contained in the DOE
Explosives Safety Manual and the packaging and transportation LIR. Federal DOT regulations in 49
CFR Parts 171-178 provide the guidance for transport, classification, and inspections of cylinders.
2.5 Storage
Storage includes bulk, tank, piping, cylinder, and container storage of solid, liquid, or gaseous chemicals.
Used and unused chemical, laboratory-produced materials, those stored in partially filled containers and
in containers other than original containers, and chemical "heels" left within tanks, piping, or containers
are also maintained under storage. All incompatible compounds are segregated. Flammable/Combustible
Liquids and Hazardous/Toxic Gas use and storage must comply with OSHA storage limits (OSHA
standard 29 CFR 1910.106). LANL management recommends using the following NFPA guidelines for
storage: NFPA No. 30, "Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code"; NFPA No. 45, "Fire Protection for
Laboratories Using Chemicals"; NFPA No. 55, "Standard for the Storage, Use and Handling of
Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders"; and NFPA No. 704, "Standard System for the
Identification of the Hazardous materials for Emergency Response."
Since peroxide-forming and shock-sensitive compounds have a limited shelf life, the line management
chain determines a safe disposal plan for items having a short shelf life. Items kept beyond the
recommended shelf life are visually inspected and tested to determine that they are safe to keep in
2.6 Control of Chemical Hazards
The Chemical Hygiene Plan, HAZ COM Plan, and Carcinogen Management Attachments to the
Chemical Management LIR outline LANL's planning requirements for safe chemical management.
These documents require all chemical containers to be labeled. The LANL Signs, Labels, and Tags
Guidance Document provides instruction for hazard warning and control signs. Facility equipment and
work requirements are designed to limit chemical exposures to a level below the OEL which is the lower
value of either an OSHA PEL, TWA, or an ACGIH (1997) TLV, ceiling limit, or STEL.
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