| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
Consolidated Requirements
4.4 P2 Opportunities
4.4.1 Contractors shall conduct operational assessments,
DOE O 450.1, sec. 5.d.(6),
such as Pollution Prevention Opportunity
CRD sec. 9
Assessments of site operations to identify
opportunities for source reduction, material
segregation, reuse, recycle, or other P2 projects. Based on the results of these assessments,
DOE O 450.1, sec. 5.d.(6),
contractors shall implement cost-effective P2
CRD sec. 9
projects, using life-cycle assessment concepts
and practices in determining their Return-on-
Investment (ROI).
4.5 Purchasing
4.5.1 In developing plans, drawings, work statements,
DOE O 450.1, CRD sec. 9;
specifications, or other product descriptions,
contractors shall consider, as appropriate, a broad
EO 13101, sec. 401
range of factors including: elimination of virgin
material requirements; use of biobased products; use
of recovered materials; reuse of product; life-cycle
cost; recyclability; use of environmentally preferable
products; waste prevention (including toxicity
4.5.2 Contractors shall set goals to increase the
DOE O 450.1, sec. 5.d.(3);
procurement of products that are made with
recovered materials to maximize the number of
EO 13101, sec. 601(1)(b)
recycled products purchased, relative to non-recycled
4.5.3 Contractors shall consider P2 in the specification and
DOE O 450.1, Sec. 4.d.(11),
acquisition of departmental supplies to cost
CRD sec. 8
effectively maximize procurement of
environmentally preferable products.
4.5.4 Contractors shall consider the feasibility of
DOE O 450.1, sec. 5.d.(5),
centralized procurement and distribution programs
CRD sec. 5;
for purchasing, tracking, distributing, and managing
materials with toxic or hazardous content, and
EO 13148, sec. 701(b)
implement where appropriate.
These factors should be considered in acquisition planning for all procurement and in the evaluation and award of
contracts, as appropriate. Program and acquisition managers should take an active role in these activities.
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