| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1139/3-2003
Federal Standard 123 (or FED-STD-123), "Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)".
Federal Standard 313 (or FED-STD-313), "Material Safety Data, Transportation Data and Disposal
Data for Hazardous Materials Furnished to Government Activities".
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Information Circular (INFCIRC) 254, Part 1 ("Trigger
List") and Part 2 ("Dual-use List").
NFPA 45 (2000), "Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals".
Public Law 98-525 (10/19/84), "Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1985"; also called
"Department of Energy National Security and Military Applications of Nuclear Energy Authorization
Act of 1985".
10CFR110, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and
10CFR810, Department of Energy, "Assistance to Foreign Atomic Energy Activities"
15CFR Subpart C (Parts 730 to 774), Department of Commerce, "Export Administration
Regulations" (EAR); in particular, 15CFR734, "Scope of the Export Administration Regulations",
15CFR744, "Control Policy: End-User and End-Use Based", and 15CFR774, "The Commerce
Control List".
22CFR Subchapter M (Parts 120-130), Department of State, "International Traffic in Arms
Regulations" (ITAR), and in particular, 22CFR121, "The United States Munitions List".
29CFR1910, "Occupational Safety and Health Standards".
29CFR1910.120, "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response".
29CFR1910.1001, "Asbestos".
29CFR1910.1200, "Hazard Communication".
29CFR1926.65, "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response".
40CFR61.156, "Cross-reference to Other Asbestos Regulations" (National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants).
40CFR261, "Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste".
40CFR273, "Standards for Universal Waste Management".
40CFR761, "Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Manufacturing, Processing, Distribution in
Commerce, and Use Prohibitions".
40CFR763, "Asbestos".
41CFR101, "Federal Property Management Regulations" (Parts 101-1 to 101-99); in particular,
Subpart H (Parts 42 to 99).
41CFR101-27.2, "Management of Shelf-Life Materials."
41CFR102, "Federal Management Regulation (FMR)" (Parts 102-1 to 102-220); in particular,
41CFR102-36, "Disposition of Excess Personal Property" [NOTE: This Part is cross-referenced by
41CFR101-43, "Utilization of Personal Property", which is no longer in print], and 41CFR102-37,
"Donation of Surplus Personal Property" [NOTE: This Part is cross-referenced by 41CFR101-44,
"Donation of Personal Property", which is no longer in print].
41CFR109, "Department of Energy Property Management Regulations"; in particular, Subpart H
(Parts 42 to 50).
49CFR.171-180 (Subchapter C), "Hazardous Materials Regulations".
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