| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Convened Group. The IT will consist of the Process Leader, URA representatives, DOE
representatives, sister labs, other parties and subject matter experts as needed.
Agreement Parties:
The agreement parties are the authorities that must approve the Set of Standards. The
Extended Convened Group has agreed that the following individuals have approval authority for
the FNAL Set of Standards:
Responsible Organization - Fred Bernthal, President, Universities Research Association
Resource Authority - John O'Fallon, Director, High Energy Physics Division, Office of Energy
Customer Organization - Andy Mravca, Manager, DOE Batavia Area Office
Action Plan:
Actions Leading to the development of this charter:
1. 2/23/95 The Resource Authority (Bill Hess - ER) transmits a memorandum to the Customer
Organization (Andy Mravca - BAO) providing instructions to proceed with a pilot of the
Necessary and Sufficient Closure Process.
2. 2/24/95 The Department Standards Committee approves the Necessary & Sufficient Closure
Process Description (Attachment A) and the list of proposed pilots (including FNAL).
3. 2/27/95 Kick-off meeting for this pilot held at Fermilab. Representatives of the Department
Standards Committee were present to introduce the Necessary & Sufficient Closure Process
(Attachment A).
4. 3/1/95 Expanded Convened Group meets to discuss expectations for the pilot project.
5. 3/16/95 FNAL Steering Committee agrees on proposed action plan.
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