| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Rod McCullum - DOE-CH, Technical Resource
Extended Convened Group:
Provide management support to the Convened Group (including interactions with the
Department Standards Committee and other stakeholders). This group has been formed in
addition to what is called for by the Process Description because this is a pilot exercise which
will receive a greater degree of Department-wide scrutiny than would normally be expected. It
consists of the following individuals:
All Members of the Convened Group
Ken Stanfield - Deputy Director, FNAL
Cherri Langenfeld - Manager, DOE-CH
Bill Hess - Associate Director, High Energy Physics, DOE-ER
Ezra Heitowit - Vice President, URA
FNAL Steering Committee:
This group provides a mechanism for the Process Leader to obtain internal review and guidance
on the mechanics of FNAL participation. It will consist of the following individuals:
Larry Coulson - Process Leader
Bruce Chrisman - Associate Director for Administration
Ray Stefanski - Associate Director for Operations Support
Don Cossairt - Senior Laboratory Safety Officer & Head of ES&H Section
Tim Miller - Deputy Head of the ES&H Section
Hans Jostlein - FNAL Standards Manager
Kathy Williams - Manager, Quality Assurance Office
Identification Team (IT):
This group's responsibilities for identifying and confirming the set of standards are defined in
Process Elements 3, 4 and 5 of Attachment A. Its membership will be determined by the
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