| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Confirming the Set of Work Smart Standards
Process Leader
Identification Team
Confirmation Team
(Section 12.4)
(Section 12.3)
(Section 12.5)
Provide appropriate
Provide documentation of
process documentation
Identification Team's work and
Review documentation
Assist Confirmation Team
Determine if the proposed set
in understanding the
of standards is adequate and
Process, following
protocols, and meeting
Document confirmation
activities and results
Confirming the Set
Confirmation occurs after satisfactory completion of the identification process, when the
Identification Team's results are turned over by the Convened Group to the Confirmation Team.
The confirmation process is akin to peer review of a scientific paper or research results. It may
identify serious flaws or minor adjustments needed in the WSS set, or may completely confirm
the Identification Team's selections with no changes. In each case, confirmation strengthens
the N&S Process by providing assurance that conclusions reached by the Identification Team
were sound. The results of confirmation allow the Approval Authorities and other parties --
particularly those external to the Process application -- to have greater confidence in the
adequacy and feasibility of the WSS set.
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