| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
standards set. An adequately formed Identification Team must demonstrate that it is
more than the sum of narrow discipline expertise.
The N&S Process was implemented with fidelity to the requirements of the N&S Manual.
This may include documentation describing the initiation of the Process, assignment of
responsibilities within the Identification Team, meeting notes, results of deliberations,
plans, schedules, training records, issue identification and resolution, and others. In
addition, documenting input from contributing experts, resolution of differing opinions,
and development of consensus among the Identification Team will provide valuable
insights for confirmation.
The proposed set of WSS addresses all hazards related to the work and, when properly
implemented, will provide adequate protection from those hazards for workers, the
public, and the environment. When the use of locally developed standards is judged
necessary, the documentation for these standards needs particular care.
Documentation of feedback from Identification Team members and contributing experts
is important.
The proposed set of WSS is feasible to implement within the context of the work to be
accomplished and known resource constraints. The Identification Team's consideration
and determination of feasibility should be clearly documented to facilitate review by the
Confirmation Team and the Approval Authorities.
The quantity and detail of documentation should support and not overwhelm subsequent
reviewers or the eventual users. Simply "documenting everything" will not necessarily ensure
that the needs of all (or even most) users will be met. Documentation that reflects some
synthesis or summary is generally more useful than a mass of raw data (for example, a
summary of issues raised by the team and their resolution versus detailed minutes of every
meeting and phone conversation). However, documentation and retention of certain items of
"raw data" obtained during the Process may be important to preserve corporate memory of the
Process and to corroborate summary reports. A discussion of documentation characteristics
and considerations can be found in DOE Guide 450.3-1, Documentation for Work Smart
Standards Applications.
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