| ![]() 2) The Standards Identification Team
A. The Standards Identification Team must establish that
formally achieves group closure
implementation of the set is feasible and that the set provides
and endorses its work product.
a basis for adequate protection. [M-II.3.b.(1)]
B. The Standards Identification Team reach consensus on and
justify (including documentation of each) the WSS set. [M-
C. The contractor shall ensure that ES&H functions and activities
(including Process application) are a visible part of work
planning and execution. [D-(b)]
D. Clear and unambiguous lines of authority and responsibility for
ensuring ES&H are established and maintained. [D-(b)]
3) The Confirmation Team formally
A. Confirmation of the adequacy and feasibility of the WSS set
DOE.2, HAZ.2
achieves group closure and
strengthens the credibility of the Process and confidence in the
reports is acceptance of the
set of standards. [M-II.3.b.(2)]
proposed WSS set.
B. The Confirmation Team determines adequacy and feasibility
and documents the confirmation activities and results
(including reaching agreement as directed in Convened Group
instructions.) [M-II.6.b]
D. Documentation of Process
1) Records of Process
A. Because acceptance of the WSS set is one of the underlying
MG.1, HAZ.2
implementation are made
goals of the Process, the appropriate Stakeholders (and other
available to interested or affected
affected parties) should always be informed and invited to
parties, including workers,
contribute. [M-I.2.b]
Stakeholders and the DNFSB.
B. Planning and performance in accordance with the WSS set is
carried out by an organization with defined performance
evaluations management information systems (that support
Stakeholders and other affected non-DOE parties). [M-III]
C. Documentation shall describe how the contractor will measure
(and demonstrate to others) SMS effectiveness. [D-(d)]
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