| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Department of Energy
Fermilab Standards Closure Process
6/14/95 - Revision 1
This document outlines the plans and protocols for conducting a pilot of the Department of
Energy's Necessary & Sufficient Closure Process (Attachment A) at Fermilab National
Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) in Batavia, Illinois. The result of this pilot will be a set of
standards which will serve as the agreed-upon basis for providing FNAL with adequate
Environment, Safety and Health Protection at the lowest possible cost. This pilot will seek out
and emulate compatible industry practices which have been proven successful both in terms of
safety performance and cost-effectiveness. This charter has been developed as a partnership
effort by the parties to this agreement (see "Responsibilities" below), and is considered to be a
living document.
Project Leader:
The Process Leader's responsibilities are as defined in Process Elements 1 and 3 of
Attachment A. Larry Coulson of FNAL has this responsibility.
Convened Group:
This Group's responsibilities are defined in Process Elements 2 and 3 of Attachment A. This
group also has ownership of this charter document. It consists of the following individuals:
Larry Coulson - Process Leader
Ray Stefanski - FNAL Representative
Andy Mravca - DOE-BAO Representative
Dave Goodwin - DOE-ER Representative
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