| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
If the Agreement Parties decide the challenge has merit, action will be taken to
correct the deficiency. This may include re-performing the N&S Process for the
area(s) of concern.
If the Agreement Parties decide the challenge does not have merit, the basis for
this decision is provided to the challenging party. If the challenging party does
not agree with the basis for the decision, as necessary, the challenge is argued
before the appropriate level of line management.
Once a standards set has been established and implemented any challenges to the
adequacy of the set are typically addressed through change control mechanisms.
Does agreement on the set of standards require a change of the contract?
Whether the standards set is included and specified as contract requirements depends
on the purpose of the standards set.
If the standards set is intended to be used to identify contractual requirements,
the set must be incorporated into the contract. Information on the use of
standards sets for this purpose is described in the ISM DEAR clause.
If, under existing contract provisions on safety standards and requirements, the
N&S Closure Process is used to identify standards to implement existing
contractual requirements, no contract recognition of these implementing
standards is necessary.
How do we know that the contractors won't choose a minimal set of standards?
Application of the N&S Closure Process does not allow a contractor "to chose" the WSS
set. No single party to the N&S Closure Process can control it to the degree that a set
unacceptable to the other parties.
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