| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
The N&S Closure Process is a participative process which focuses on understanding the
particular work to be accomplished and the hazards associated with that work, and
subsequent identification of standards through the collective qualification of teams. The
participative, iterative process among qualified teams leads to agreement on the
appropriate not minimal set of standards that when implemented, provides
reasonable assurance of adequate protection. Also, the N&S Closure Process calls for
appropriate confirmation and specific approval of the application of the Process as well
as the set of standards. Documentation, subject to review, that justifies the standards
set is a strong additional incentive to identify the controlling standards with care.
A principal guard against minimal standards is the focus on understanding the work and
its hazards preliminary to identifying controlling standards and justifying, on the record,
that the standards are adequate. The N&S Closure Process closely joins the
understanding of the work and its hazards with knowledge of appropriate controls.
Will the documentation for WSS sets be standardized in the future?
The documentation of a WSS set is inherently tailored to the Work it addresses and the
local contract in which those standards are to be implemented. From the present
experience of more than four years there is little evidence that documentation
expectations can be standardized beyond the basic requirements stated in Process
Element 3, "Defining and Agreeing to Protocols and Documentation Requirements." The
Convened Group defines the specific requirements for this documentation and may
include additional documentation requirements to suit the specific application of the
How will the Department know what's going on?
As with all aspects of its commitment to ISM, the Department is a party to the Process in
all applications requiring Department agreement on the set of standards. Specific
Department elements will be Agreement Parties and Resource Authorities, and other
DOE headquarters and field elements may participate as appropriate.
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