| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
How does EH get involved in the Process?
EH elements have participated in the Process as Convened Group Members, Technical
Operational Experts, or as Confirmation Team members depending on the situation.
However, as a matter of EH policy, EH independent oversight elements do not
participate. EH oversight may assess whether specific applications of the Process have
been conducted in accordance with the Manual (M 450.3), and whether the agreed upon
requirements are adequately implemented.
How do we assure consistency in the Work Smart Standards sets of standards across
the complex?
The Department's Integrated Safety Management goal is to achieve consistent and
excellent protection of workers, the public, and the environment. Because the work,
work definitions, expected hazards, and conditions of work vary widely across the
complex, the standards necessary to achieve this goal must also vary from place to
place. Consistent adequacy of tailored protection controls demands consistent,
excellent management of the Department's work, dedication of its employees, and a
willingness to accept the responsibility that this entails.
It is recognized that when applying the N&S Closure Process that fidelity to the
requirements and the underlying logic given in DOE M 450.3-1 are important to the
integrity and thus the acceptance of the Process as a legitimate means of standards
identification. The Department Standards Committee, on behalf of Department line
management, oversees Process applications and promotes a high standard of Process
fidelity as the most important Process contribution to consistency in adequate protection.
Will the sets of standards be similar for similar facilities?
Similar facilities are likely to identify similar, but not identical, sets of standards.
Differences in physical plant or process, organizational structure, management policies,
work force capabilities, and political factors are all potential sources of differences in
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