| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Implementing the Set of Work Smart Standards
For any particular scope of defined work, an approved Work Smart Standards set forms an
essential component of the basis for the related DOE-approved Safety Management System.
The WSS set can be viewed as the specifications to the integrated implementing mechanisms,
(i.e. procedures and manuals of practice) for the delivery of standards based work. Application
of these specifications provides confidence work will be done safely. Throughout the
Identification, Confirmation and Approval steps, participants should consider the feasibility of
implementing the WSS set through the ISM system. They should identify and document
changes that may be required to existing equipment, infrastructure or work processes and cost.
The existing procedures and practices may enable implementation of the WSS set or it may be
necessary to develop new administrative controls. Where discrepancies are identified with
existing implementing mechanisms, these discrepancies are targeted for corrective action and
should be tracked to closure. In the case of a new organization that is initiating activities not
previously authorized, the implementation of operational readiness review provisions in the
WSS set may dictate that a significant level of activity and structure be applied to the conduct of
Criteria for implementation accrue during the Process. As the work of the Process progresses,
effective implementation must be an ongoing concern of the Approval Parties, Process Leader,
the Convened Group, the Identification Teams and the Confirmation Team. Line management
and staff are responsible for implementing the set. The N&S Process participants are
responsible for the implementability of the set. The Necessary and Sufficient Closure Process
Manual requires that a WSS set be both adequate and feasible. To have a set accepted as
feasible it must be implementable. (See also Appendix A, Q&A 20 on Feasibility.) Under the
guidance of the Convened Group the Process participants complete responsibilities that will
provide most of the criteria for adequate implementation. The following serve to guide
managers in the Responsible Organization.
In Process Element 1: Defining the Work and Hazards, the requirements for describing both
work objectives and a relationship of the work objectives to some organized system for the
delivery of that work are equally important to the ultimate utility of the WSS set. By starting with
the Convened Group's core of guidance, the Identification Team refines the definition of work,
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