| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
involvement by those who will ultimately approve the set ensures a smooth approval process.
Examples of Approval Authorities for some successful applications are presented in Tables 1
and 2. Examples of a request for approval of the WSS set and the final approval document are
included in Appendix H. The approval of the WSS set should be the final step by the Approval
Authorities to assure themselves that the Process has been conducted with fidelity and that all
parties involved in developing the set have confidence in the product of the Process.
Criteria for Sufficiency of the Process Elements
Among other things, the Approval Authorities are required to determine whether the N&S
Process has been implemented in accordance with the requirements of the N&S Manual. The
process elements defined in the Manual are written in performance-based terms, and do not
form a prescriptive or generally applicable checklist for determining Process sufficiency. The
Convened Group, in implementing the N&S Manual, sets performance expectations and
objectives for each step of the N&S Process. If these expectations and objectives have been
effectively established, full performance to those expectations and objectives should
demonstrate that the Process is sufficient. Appendix G provides a comprehensive assessment
tool that can be used to obtain insight about the extent of Process fidelity demonstrated during
the application.
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