| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
N&S Process Participants
An essential element for success in performing the N&S Process is assigning clear roles and
responsibilities to persons in key positions for administering the Process and in assigning to
these positions knowledgeable and competent individuals. Management support is
demonstrated most critically in selection of key Process leadership and Convened Group
Overview of Key Participants
A principle of the N&S Closure Process is that teams must be comprised of the people with
requisite knowledge and expertise; people who have direct experience with the work, hazards
and specific work place. The concept of "workers" as used in WSS is intentionally broad. It is
intended to include people experienced in the large number of skill and knowledge categories
required to perform the work of DOE. Scientists, engineers, mechanics, electricians, financial
specialists, contracts specialists and many others all bring important knowledge to the
identification and approval of a set of standards. Within the context of the Closure Process
application, the term "workers" is particularly intended to underscore the need to involve those
who perform the physical work such as operating equipment, conducting experiments,
construction, testing and other similar activities. They are the individuals most directly exposed
to hazards and most directly knowledgeable of work conditions and practices.
The N&S Manual uses a number of unique terms to describe roles and responsibilities in
conducting the N&S Process. Since N&S Process roles and responsibilities are not defined in
terms of specific contractor or DOE organizational levels, flexibility is afforded for each Process
application to determine the appropriate parties for participation. Tables I and II describe the
N&S roles and give examples of the organizational levels at which they were performed for
representative applications. These examples and illustrations are intended only to aid in
understanding some of the most common Process applications, and do not limit the ability of the
N&S Process to be applied at other levels.
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