| ![]() 3) Process leadership and the
A. The applicable contract requires (via DEAR 970.5204-78)
DOE.1, BBC.1
Convened Group are charged
identification of standards and the Agreement Parties adopt
with identification of safety
the Process for that purpose. [M-I.2.a]
standards applicable to the
B. The Agreement Parties to the contract designate Process
contract between the
leadership and Convened Group membership and expected
Responsible Organization and
performance outcomes. [M-I.2.b]
C. When an approved DOE process (i.e. N&S Closure Process)
is used, the set of tailored ES&H requirements, as approved
by DOE pursuant to the Process, shall be incorporated into
List B as contract requirements with full force and effect.
[DEAR 5204-78,(c)]
4) Process leadership and the
A. Process leadership and the Convened Group represent
BBC.1, MG.2
affected parties to implementation of the agreed-upon
Convened Group implement
standards. [M.I.2.b]
Process interfaces consistent
with the key roles defined in the
B. The Process Leader(s) organizes and if necessary, re-
evaluates the work definition. [M.II.2.c.(1)]
C. The Convened Group establishes and manages
communications with Stakeholders (and the DNFSB).
D. The Convened Group interfaces with Technical and
Operational Experts, and Resource Authorities to establish
critical information for the work definition and resolves issues
developed by the Identification Team(s). [M.II.2.c.(2)]
E. The first business of the Convened Group is to identify
individuals who have agreed to act as the Approval Authority
for the WSS. [M.I.2.d]
F. Clear and unambiguous lines of authority and responsibility for
ensuring ES&H are established and maintained. [D-(b), (2)]
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