| ![]() 5) Process leadership and the
A. Definition of the work and hazards reflects expected outcomes
BBC.1, HAZ.1,
Convened Group define initial
and treatment of work environment uncertainties, organization
conditions as the basis for
and management conditions, resource availability and
standards identification that are
constraints. [M-II.2.c]
consistent with the integrating
B. Protocols direct the Identification Team to recommend
conventions for DOE Safety
changes to the work definition or development of new
Management Systems.
standards if unable to identify an N&S set. [M-II.5.b.(8)]
C. Documentation shall describe how integrity of the Safety
Management System is maintained during the establishment
of performance objectives, performance measures and
commitments. [D-(d)]
B. Protocols
1) Guidance to the Standards
A. The Convened Group establishes protocols and agreements
BBC.1, HAZ.1
Identification Team for
for interactions with the teams. [M.II.4.c.(1).(a)]
description of the work and
B. The Convened Group arranges for individuals to be assigned
hazards, called for by the
to the team(s) consistent with the membership criteria which
Convened Group, requires clear,
include knowledge of the existing set of standards and
concise expansion of the contract
methods for their implementation. [M-II.3.c]
Statement of Work at a level of
C. The set must be feasible for implementation considering the
detail suitable for correlation with
implementation assumptions and interfaces (i.e. with existing
the proposed WSS.
practices) used by the Identification Team. [M-II.5.b]
2) Guidance for development of the
A. The Standards Identification team is responsible for evaluating
proposed WSS includes
existing relevant sources including work-specific standards
instructions to ensure
and local procedures. [M-II.5.b.(2)]
consideration of existing
B. The Standards Identification team calls upon Technical and
institutional infrastructures
Operational Experts with knowledge of existing work, hazards
(manuals of practice and other
and practices. [M-II.5.b.(4)]
systems for implementation) to
C. Documentation of the WSS set includes expression of
assess compatibility.
implementation assumptions and interfaces. [M-II.5.b.(9)]
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