| ![]() A. As understanding is gained with the Process, it will often be
DOE.2, HAZ.2
4) Process leadership and the
necessary to repeat the various elements (iterate) to
Convened Group communicate
expectations for "iteration",
incorporate changes to the scope, expectation, team(s), or set
of standards. [M-II.1.a]
"closure", and the criteria for
B. Documentation (i.e. participant guidance)describes how the
"agreement" to the participants.
contractor implemented the five Core Functions of ISM. [D-(c)]
5) Process leadership and the
A. The Convened Group establishes protocols and agreements
BBC.2, MG.1,
Convened Group identify criteria
for resolution of differing opinions and for interactions between
for recognition of "issues" in the
itself and the teams. [M-II.4.c.(1),(a)]
Process application and Process-
B. Protocols should reflect the intention that teams perform most
consistent methods for their
deliberations in face-to-face group meetings. [M-II.4.b]
6) Process leadership and the
A. The Convened Group protocols require high quality and rigor
MG.2, HAZ.3
Convened Group provide
of documentation to provide confidence that the WSS meet the
sufficient instructions to guide the
performance expectations and objectives of the work. [M-
work of the Standards
Identification Team(s) toward
B. ES&H is a priority whenever activities are planned. [D-(b),(4)]
consensus agreement on an
C. Administrative and engineering controls to prevent or mitigate
acceptable tailored description of
hazards are tailored to the work. [D-(b),(6)]
the work, hazards and standards.
D. Planning emphasis should be on reducing or eliminating
hazards. [D-(b),(6)]
E. Planning emphasis should be on preventing accidents and
unplanned releases. [D-(b),(6)]
F. Contractor shall comply with and assist DOE in complying with
all applicable laws and regulations. [D-(f)]
7) Process leadership and the
A. The Convened Group protocols require high quality and rigor
MG.2, HAZ.3
Convened Group provide
of documentation to provide confidence that the WSS meet the
sufficient instructions to guide the
performance expectations and objectives of the work. [M-
work of the Confirmation Team
toward a basis to recommend
B. The Convened Group establishes protocols and agreements
acceptance of the proposed WSS
for resolution of differing opinions and for interactions between
as providing for adequate
itself and the teams. [M-II.4.c.(1),(a)]
C. Protocols should reflect the intention that teams perform most
deliberations in face-to-face group meetings. [M-II.4.b]
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