| ![]() B. Protocols
1) Process leadership develops and
A. A clear definition of the work performance expectations, work
DOE.1, BBC.1
communicates an initial definition
environment, and associated hazards and uncertainties is
of the work and hazards to which
critical to successful standards identification. [M-II.2.b]
the standards will apply.
B. The Process leader(s) organize information received from the
Convened Group as the initial basis for identifying the WSS.
C. Initial conditions for standards identification address:
1. Performance expectations and objectives such as goals for
safety quality and operations.
2. What actions will be performed.
3. Physical conditions for doing work.
4. Materials and conditions that could cause adverse
5. Uncertainties about the work.
6. Organization and Management considerations.
7. Resource availability and constraints. [M-II.2.c]
D. The SMS shall be integrated with the contractor's business
processes for work planning, budgeting, authorization,
execution and change control. [D-(e)]
2) The Convened Group establishes
A. The Convened Group endorses the initial definition of the
configuration controls for
work, hazards, and performance expectations compiled by the
refinement of the definition of the
Process Leader which is then subject to refinement during the
work and hazards during the work
Process. [M-II.2.(c)]
of various teams.
B. The Convened Group establishes the documentation
requirements for the definition of the work, hazards, and
performance expectations and objectives. [M-II.4.c.(1)]
3) Process leadership and the
A. The Convened Group record of decision shows it established
Convened Group identify the
appropriate channels of communication with stakeholders,
population of Stakeholders and
provided process information and obtained views. [M-II.2.c.(2)]
the DNFSB as interested parties
B. The Convened Group establishes protocols and agreements
to the WSS and define
for resolution of differing opinions and for interactions between
mechanisms for interaction.
itself and the teams. [M-II.4.c.(1),(a)]
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