| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Protocols for the
Fermilab N&S Confirmation Meeting 7/12/95
The confirmation process for the Fermilab N&S Set, as defined in the protocols, requires the
Identification Team to present the proposed Set and defend it to the Convened Group. The
Convened Group has decided to supplement the process by inviting a group of peers from other
laboratories to participate. Members of the Extended Convened Group have also been invited to
participate as they wish. Each member of the Convened Group or Extended Group who
participates in the confirmation process, may bring an observer as a subject matter expert
The Standards Set and any supporting information which needs to be part of the review
package will be provided to each member of the Extended Convened Group, Convened
Group and the Peer Review Panel (CG/PRP) prior to the confirmation meeting.
The first phase of the confirmation meeting will consist of a presentation, by the
Identification Team, of the N&S Set and the process used to determine the N&S Set to
the CG/PRP.
There will be a break following the presentation phase of the meeting for the CG/PRP to
caucus prior to questions.
The second phase of the confirmation meeting will consist of the CG/PRP asking
questions of the IT. The CG/PRP should ask sufficient questions to challenge the
necessary and sufficient aspects of the set.
The process leader will function as the moderator for the question phase of the meeting.
A note taker will record the proceedings of the meeting.
Only members of the Extended Convened Group, Convened Group, and Peer Review
Panel will be permitted to ask questions. Subject matter experts may pass written
questions to a member of one of the above groups.
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