| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
At each CG/PRP member's turn, that individual will ask one question and follow-on
questions on the same topic until either the question has been answered to his/her
satisfaction or the moderator determines that the question represents an "Open Issue"
which will require further study by the IT.
All follow-on questioning shall stay focused on the same issue; questions on other
"related" issues must be asked as a separate turn. The Moderator shall intervene if
questioning strays from the issue originally questioned.
Open Issue forms will be made available and the CG/PRP member will be responsible for
documenting his/her concern on this form when it is determined that the question cannot
be answered. The forms will document the question asked and the information needed to
resolve the question as its first section. The form will be assigned by the process leader
to the IT which will be responsible for filling out the second section of the form (resolution
section) at a later time and obtaining the questioner's signature that the resolution is
acceptable. The questioner's signature will constitute closure of the issue. Once all open
issues are closed, the Set will be considered closed. If multiple CG/PRP members share
a common concern, multiple resolution signatures can be requested.
Questioning will proceed until each member of the CG/PRP indicates that he/she has no
further questions.
Once all questions have been exhausted the process leader will either declare the Set
confirmed, if no open issues exist, or negotiate a schedule for resolving open issues.
Based on either this confirmation or schedule for confirmation, the process leader will
make arrangements for the signing of the Set and its associated contract modification by
the approval authorities.
DISASTER CLAUSE: If at any point in this meeting the process leader judges that the
number of issues has become so significant that the Set cannot be confirmed, he may
suspend the confirmation meeting and request that the full IT reconvene at a later date to
reconsider the Set. In this case, and only this case, the confirmation process would need
to be repeated in its entirety.
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