| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
recommendation 90-2. Communications with the DNFSB on this pilot were through the DOE-
SR (EH) representative on the Pilot Steering Committee.
Although the specific scope of this pilot does not impact the public from a hazards standpoint,
the public is a stakeholder in all ER activities at SRS. Communications with the public are
usually in the form of public meetings, as organized by the appropriate WSRC and DOE
departments. The scope, permit conditions, and schedule of the F/H Area Seepage Basins
Groundwater Remediation project has been the subject of numerous public meetings in 1995.
These have focused on the RCRA Part B Permit renewal, the CERCLA proposed plans, and the
intent of the Citizens Advisory Board to do an independent technical review of the project. A
separate public meeting was held on September 7, 1995 to obtain stakeholder feedback on the
use of the N&S Process on the F/H Groundwater Remediation Project. The primary goal of this
meeting was to reach the site workers ("valve turners") and members of the public. This
meeting was extensively advertised through individual invitations to approximately 800 SRS
stakeholders (companies and individuals), news releases and newspaper advertisements, and
an announcement to employees over the SRS electronic mail system. The 800 stakeholder
invitations included 280 invitations to an internal RCRA-related WSRC distribution, 485 to the
other (non-SRS) individuals on the RCRA mailing list (i.e. Citizens Advisory Board, local elected
officials, contiguous landowners, and interested members of the public), and 60 to area
construction and environmental contractors. Additionally, local union presidents and members
of professional societies were invited. The news releases issued by WSRC were not published
by the local newspapers.
Fifteen stakeholders representing unions, local newspapers, members of the public, and WSRC
employees who will be responsible for future implementation of the N&S Process attended the
meeting. Two members of the SRS N&S Pilot Process Team presented information on the
current use of DOE Orders, the need for change, the N&S process, how it was used on F/H
Groundwater Remediation, and technical changes (and cost savings) resulting from the use of
the process.
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