| DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
DOE-HQ were through the DOE-SR (ER and EH) process team members and the DOE-SR
(EH) steering committee member.
Environmental Advisory Committee
The Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) consists of nationally recognized experts in the
environmental field. The purpose of the committee is to provide independent review and
consultation on strategic and long-range environmental issues affecting SRS. The EAC was a
stakeholder because it can affect the outcome of the work through their recommendations
process. The EAC's comments were related to the level of safety ensured by commercial
standards and the commitment by DOE to implement a standards based program. Their
endorsement of this process was a significant recognition that a standards-based program is a
safe, technically sound, and cost-effective method to manage ER activities. The WSRC-ER
process team leader presented this N&S pilot to the EAC in May, 1995 (Ref. 22 - 5/5/95; Ref.
Regulators, Federal and State
The regulators were stakeholders because they define the scope, requirements, and schedule
of ER activities at SRS. EPA and SCDHEC regulations, as they apply to this pilot, are part of
the N&S set of standards. Communications with the regulators on this pilot were through DOE-
SR (ER). In February 1995, DOE-SR briefed the regulators on the pilot and requested their
participation, but they declined the invitation (Ref. 22 - 2/23/95; A6). Also, the regulators were
invited to the September 7 public meeting, but did not send a representative. The EPA did,
however, call WSRC to verify that environmental laws and regulations would still be met. EPA
supports a process that streamlines the current remedial process while ensuring compliance
with all environmental laws and regulations.
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
The DNFSB is a stakeholder because it can affect the outcome of the work through their
recommendations process. The DNFSB supports a standards-based program, as stated in
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