| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Role of the Agreement Parties
The Agreement Parties must be fully supportive of and interactive within the Process and be
capable of reaching full agreement in the outcome. They should fully understand and agree on
the form of the contract or contract modification as specified in the DEAR which will result from
implementing the Process. Agreement Parties provide the initial description of the scope of the
work and hazards to the Convened Group and provide related performance expectations.
Throughout the Process, they should maintain close communication with the Convened Group
as the work and hazards identifications are refined and a set of standards is identified within the
context of the specified expectations. They must be able to agree on the defined scope of work.
Any boundaries for the Process must be established and agreed to at the outset. Early
identification of all the Agreement Parties is essential to ensure that the N&S Process can
proceed to closure.
The Agreement Parties, having concluded that at least one of the criteria for initiating the N&S
Process has been met, must:
jointly designate a Process Leader;
designate individuals from their respective organizations to serve as members of the
Convened Group, and identify members needed from other organizations;
identify the Resource Authorities and include them as members of the Convened Group;
identify Stakeholders and Interested Parties.
The Agreement Parties should also consider and provide guidance in the form of their
performance expectations for the Process application. Key performance expectations may
the schedule and cost for conducting the Process,
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