| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
cost savings to be achieved by the new set of standards,
degree of continuous improvement to be called for in the standards set developed,
the extent of institutional change the new standards set may bring about when
implemented, and
feasibility of the standards set including considerations of the implementation of the set
within the ISM system, changes that may be required to existing equipment,
infrastructure or work processes and cost.
Assigning the Process Leader
When the Agreement Parties have reached a decision that it is appropriate to initiate the
Process, they should jointly designate, preferably from within the Responsible Organization, a
Process Leader who will be responsible for conducting the Process and will represent the
interests of all the Agreement Parties. They should select a Process Leader who has their
confidence and will be able to effectively interface with all levels of appropriate management,
the Convened Group, the Identification and Confirmation Teams, and Stakeholders and
Interested Parties. The Process Leader should serve as a trusted agent for the communication
of issues among these groups and should be the conduit for formal liaison. In this role, the
Process Leader will be expected to bring important issues for resolution to the attention of the
appropriate people.
A technical background in the standards to be considered, a proven record of organizing and
coordinating diverse groups of technical personnel, and knowledge of the work should be
considered as prerequisites for assignment as Process Leader. The designation as Process
Leader is a significant assignment. As this individual will be required to dedicate extensive
amounts of time to ensuring the success of the Process, this assignment should be a principal
duty. Other assignments made to this individual during the time of conducting the Process
should be made only on a collateral basis. The Process Leader must provide leadership and
guidance to the Identification and Confirmation Teams and is responsible for supervising the
preparation of reports which will serve as the basis for approving the agreed-upon standards
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