| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Review the material provided by the Identification Team and any other documentation
required for confirmation. Documentation and presentations provided by the
Identification Team should facilitate an understanding of the work and the set of
standards selected and the rationale for a judgment of adequacy. The Confirmation
Team should be free to draw upon whatever additional resources they feel are
necessary to arrive at an independent conclusion. If additional documentation from the
identification process is needed, this should be requested through the Process Leader.
The Confirmation Team's principal focus is to assess the adequacy and feasibility of the
proposed WSS set, not to repair shortcomings identified or to lobby for alternative
Determine whether the proposed set of standards is adequate and feasible. These
conclusions should represent independent judgments by the Confirmation Team, based
on their collective knowledge and experience. Confirmation does not seek to reproduce
the WSS set from scratch, nor is it a "rubber stamp" for judgments made by the
Identification Team. Rather, the Confirmation Team provides an independent
assessment of the adequacy and feasibility of the proposed WSS set. The confirmation
process is guided by the expectations defined by the Convened Group and draws upon
the results and documentation from the identification process.
Document the confirmation activities and their results. As in the identification process,
documentation from the confirmation process should be prepared according to the
Process and team protocols developed earlier. This documentation together with that
prepared by the Identification Team will form the basis for a decision by the Approval
Authorities. It will also be a key tool for communicating the Process and its results to
Stakeholders and other Interested Parties, and should be prepared accordingly.
If the Confirmation Team judges the proposed WSS set to be inadequate or infeasible, the
Convened Group should be informed and the Confirmation Team's findings should be referred
back to be addressed by either the original or a new Identification Team. The Confirmation
Team should provide a thorough explanation and rationale for their decision, so that problematic
areas can be appropriately addressed. Even if the proposed WSS set is judged to be adequate
or feasible, information from confirmation may suggest the need for rework or improvement in
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