| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
understand the confirmation and approval processes and to prepare documentation that will
clearly demonstrate, under rigorous review, fidelity to the N&S Process and the adequacy and
implementability of the WSS set. Complete documentation justifying the adequacy of the
proposed WSS set should be prepared for transmittal to the Confirmation Team, along with a list
of the complete set of proposed standards linked to the work and hazards.
Role of the Process Leader
The Process Leader plays a key role in confirming the WSS set. The Process Leader facilitates
and coordinates the activities of the Confirmation Team and provides the team with direction
and focus that are consistent with direction from the Convened Group. Although the
Confirmation Team is expected to operate more independently than the Identification Team, the
Process Leader should be sufficiently involved in the confirmation process to ensure that a
proper understanding of the N&S Process application and the protocols established by the
Convened Group are followed. Any significant issues raised by the Confirmation Team should
be brought to the attention of the Convened Group as they are raised, in the event that the
Convened Group may need to act on issues raised by the Confirmation Team. Since the
Confirmation Team will likely involve individuals who are new to the N&S Process, the Process
Leader should orient the team members to the goals, objectives, and methods of the N&S
Process in general as well as to the particulars of the individual Process application. Finally, the
Process Leader should guide the Confirmation Team in documenting their work to meet the
previously established documentation requirements.
Role of the Confirmation Team
The role of the Confirmation Team is to independently assess whether the proposed WSS set
developed by the Identification Team is adequate and feasible. Membership qualifications,
criteria, and assignments are developed by the Convened Group earlier in the Process.
Typically membership of the Confirmation Team is independent from the Identification Team.
Should members of the Identification Team be included in the Confirmation Team, those
members should not review their own work. Once constituted, the Confirmation Team performs
the following tasks:
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