| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Stakeholders are not decision makers in the N&S Process. Documentation may include
a summary of organizations or individuals contacted, public or other meetings held,
feedback from those meetings, desire for further participation by attendees, and
disposition of comments received. Stakeholders may provide opinions and comments
but the scope of their involvement must adhere to the requirements of the FACA.
Stakeholders do not participate directly in the deliberative process. Documentation
should demonstrate that Stakeholders have been appropriately involved consistent with
protocols and FACA constraints. Interested Parties may participate more directly in the
Process, and the Process documentation similarly should make clear what Interested
Parties were invited to participate, the extent of their involvement, and the disposition of
their input.
In establishing requirements for each area of documentation, the Convened Group should
consider both the appropriate level of detail of documentation and the target audience. Specific
considerations concerning the target audience are discussed in Section 10.4. A discussion of
documentation characteristics and considerations can be found in DOE Guide 450.3-1,
Documentation for Work Smart Standards Applications.
Role of the Process Leader
The Process Leader works closely with team members to establish protocols for the internal
operation of the Identification and Confirmation Teams. These protocols should mesh with the
overall Process protocols developed by the Convened Group, and include the following:
Establishing team members' roles and responsibilities. The Process Leader and team
members should agree on the responsibilities and time commitments expected of team
Orienting team members. Initially, most team members may not be familiar with the
N&S Process, so some amount of training and orientation will be necessary. The means
and schedule for accomplishing this should be planned early on in the Process so that
team members can be prepared to assume their duties.
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