| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Role of the Process Leader
The Process Leader ensures that all appropriate documentation is made available to the
Approval Authorities. The documentation should be sufficiently clear and concise to stand
alone and to facilitate decision making by the Approval Authorities.
Role of the Approval Authorities
Following confirmation, the WSS set is presented to the Approval Authorities who have been
previously designated by the Convened Group. Approval of the WSS set should be at the level
of management where allocation of resources and direction of work clearly reside. It is at this
level that the authority to approve will be matched with the responsibility to carry out the work
The role of the Approval Authorities is not to "second-guess" the set of standards selected by
the Identification and Confirmation Teams, nor to single-handedly replicate the identification and
confirmation processes. Rather, the Approval Authorities are tasked to evaluate three specific
Whether the Process has been implemented with fidelity, including the provision of
proper documentation as defined by the Convened Group.
Whether the Identification Team has endorsed and justified the WSS set as providing
reasonable assurance of adequate protection when properly implemented.
Whether the Confirmation Team has confirmed the adequacy and feasibility of the WSS
In other words, the Approval Authorities should evaluate whether the N&S Process has been
followed with fidelity. The Approval Authorities should not insert changes; however, they may
question the results as appropriate. Each step in the N&S Process is designed to build
confidence that the WSS set, when properly implemented, will provide reasonable assurance of
adequate protection for workers, the public and the environment. Early and continuous close
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