| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1148-2002
Approval Authorities
The WSRC-ER and DOE-SR approval authorities for the set of N&S standards for this pilot
were stakeholders because they are responsible for the set of standards and its
implementation. Communications with the approval authorities were through WSRC-ER and
DOE-SR process team members and the steering committee.
Project Manager and Operations Manager
The WSRC-ER Project Manager and Operations Manager were stakeholders because they are
responsible for safe installation and operation of the treatment unit and supporting structures.
The Operations Manager represents the workers who will eventually operate the F/H
Groundwater Water Treatment Units; these operators are not yet identified. Communications
with the Project Manager and Operations Manager were through the WSRC-ER process team
leader and by the members of the standards identification/confirmation teams. These continual
communications lead to better definition of the project scope, schedule, and operational
requirements. Both the Project Manager and Operations Manager were involved in design
decisions throughout the F/H Groundwater Remediation project (Ref. 22, 5/5/95). A
presentation of the set of site design and safety documentation N&S standards was made to the
Project Manager and Operations on July 13 (Ref. A1).
The various engineering organizations within WSRC were stakeholders because they can affect
and may be affected by the results of this process. Other engineering organizations that can
affect the outcome include the design engineers that are responsible for using the identified
standards in the project design and other engineering organizations that may want to implement
this process in the future on their facilities/activities. Communications with the engineering
organizations were through the WSRC-ER process team leader and by the members of the
standards identification/confirmation teams. For example, several of the standards for the
electrical scope of F/H Groundwater Remediation were discussed with the Power Engineering
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