| ![]() 3) Guidance for development of the
A. The WSS set identifies DOE procurement regulation safety
DOE.1, BBC.1
proposed WSS includes
clauses, such as DEAR 970.5204-2, as applicable. [M-
instructions for incorporation of
the performance-based
B. Documentation shall describe how the contractor will establish,
contracting perspective in the
document and implement safety performance objectives,
planning and conduct of work.
performance measures, and commitments. [D-(d)]
4) Protocols for the Process
A. The Convened Group identifies the Approval Parties,
DOE.1, BBC.1
application describe how the
communicates expectations for approval consistent with
results are to be incorporated in
Process Element 6. [M-I.2.d]
contracts or other authorization
B. Approval constitutes agreement with the adequacy of the set
and commitment by the Resource Authorities to provide, or
seek necessary resources through the normal budget process.
C. The Responsible Organization ensures that the WSS set and
associated implementation assumptions become part of the
operating basis for all activities covered by the (contract level)
set. [M-III.1]
D. The conditions and requirements for operations to be
authorized are agreed-upon between DOE and the contractor.
E. Authorization requirements are binding under the contract. [D-
C. Work in Teams
1) The Convened Group and the
A. People properly qualified by experience and training (including
DOE P450.4 for ISM contract sets) identify and confirm the
Standards Identification Team(s)
demonstrate knowledge of the
WSS set. M-2.c.(3)]
seven Guiding Principles and five
B. Properly conducted the Process is intended to produce a WSS
Core Functions of ISM.
set appropriately tailored (as tailoring is described in DOE
P450.4) to the (contract-)specific work and hazards. [M-2.b]
C. The contractor shall demonstrate implementation of the five
Core Functions of ISM in application of its SMS. [D-(c)]
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