| DOE-HDBK-1163-2003
integration is necessary. The NCSE provides important assumptions and conclusions that
must be reflected within DSAs regarding the initiators for a criticality event, as well as the
necessary controls.
Natural Phenomena Hazard Assessment. DOE O 420.1 also requires a Natural Phenomena
Hazard Assessment (NPH). NPH assessments involve an assessment of the likelihood of future
natural phenomena occurrences and the response of facility systems, structures and components
to a design basis NPH event. The resulting information is used as important assumptions within
safety analysis or PrHA to evaluate accident scenarios and consequences. Therefore, NPH
assessments should be coordinated through teaming efforts with hazard/accident analysts.
Various Regulations on Specific Hazards (e.g., Beryllium Hazards Assessment). A number
of regulations have hazard analysis requirements that are specific to certain activities, hazardous
conditions or specific substances. Appendix A lists several of these regulations. One example is
the Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program Plan as required by 10 CFR 850. This
requires identification of the quantity and form of beryllium materials and their locations, as well
as an assessment of possible beryllium exposures from planned activities. Much of the hazards
information needed to meet hazard-specific regulations may be available in existing safety
analysis, PrHA documents, airborne monitoring data, or other previous hazard assessments
conducted at a facility.
Activity-Level Hazard Analysis Requirements
A third group of hazard analysis activities can be characterized as focusing on worker related
hazards associated with specific activity tasks. These include the following sources:
Worker Hazard and Risk Analysis of Hazardous Waste Cleanup Activities (29 CFR 1910.120
and 1926.55, "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response")
Activity Hazard Analyses (DOE O 440.1A, "Worker Protection Management")
Analysis of Occupational Radiation Hazards (10 CFR 835, "Occupational Radiation
Each of the hazard analysis requirements reflected in this group is an integral part of work
planning, which feeds into the preparation of hazardous and radiation work permits, Health and
Safety Plans, Industrial Hygiene Plans and overall work packages and documentation. These
activities have a different emphasis than facility-level hazard analysis, since they are primarily
focused on worker protection. As such, activity-level hazard analysis addresses the hazards
associated with individual job functions and tasks.
In spite of these differences, there is an important link between facility and activity level hazard
analysis requirements in terms of the flow of hazards information and data. For example, facility-
level information and assumptions related to hazardous material inventory (e.g., quantity, form
and location) feed into activity hazards analysis in order to help identify the range of potential
hazards a worker may encounter while carrying out his/her duties (e.g., valve maintenance on a
high pressure liquid hazardous waste line). Conversely, assessment of work-related hazards from
activity-level analysis may yield insights into hazards that have not been adequately covered
within facility-level analysis and as such may warrant further evaluation by a PrHA or DSA.
HAZWOPER Risk Assessment. OSHA (29 CFR 1910.120) requires that a health and safety
plan (HASP) be prepared for hazardous waste cleanup operations. The HASP must involve a
hazard/risk assessment of planned activities to identify any conditions that pose significant
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