| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1200-97
A list of sample condition, action, and standard template type statements is provided in the
Appendix. Each facility should revise this list to their own applicable list of statements if
this approach is to be used. The list can most easily be constructed by comparing all similar
task elements and forming statements around those tasks.
4.2 Organization of Learning Objectives
Relationship of Terminal and Enabling Objectives
Learning objectives provide the framework for the development of lesson plans and other
training materials. Often, terminal objectives reflect the task statements. They should
clearly state the behaviors the trainee will be expected to demonstrate on the job, and
should include conditions and standards of performance.
Enabling objectives support the terminal objective and address the task elements, skills, and
knowledge required to support the task (terminal objective). They are derived from the
element, skill, and knowledge statements that result from the analysis of the task.
Terminal Objectives
Terminal objectives represent performance at the task level and are normally derived from
the task statements identified in the job analysis. Task-based terminal objectives should
reflect the scope of the tasks upon which they are based. Those which are not derived
directly from tasks should address a manageable body of material or topic. Each course
lesson should have its own terminal objective that is based on a task. To the extent
possible, the condition, action, and standard should be consistent with those associated
with actual job performance. As with all objectives, terminal objectives must be
measurable, and they should be limited to a single task or topic to help focus the trainee's
attention. Basing objectives on tasks is the preferred method, but when tasks can not be
used care should be taken to avoid confusion.
Terminal objectives should be written to reflect the final desired performance as closely as
possible. However, the action verb in the terminal objective for classroom training would be
different than the action verb in the terminal objective developed for the laboratory,
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