| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1200-97
Given an Unusual Occurrence Report, evaluate its completeness and
acceptability in accordance with the subject guidelines.
The action verbs listed under each level of cognitive learning are not exhaustive nor are they
exclusive of each other. In other words, a verb used for the knowledge level may also be
appropriate for the comprehension level depending on the context of the objective.
Instructional designers should carefully consider their choice of action verbs due to the
importance of the verb to the learning objective.
3.2 Psychomotor Learning Objectives
Psychomotor objectives define the physical actions exhibited when performing job tasks and
are typically used in on-the-job, laboratory, and simulator training. Job analysis, task
analysis, plant references, and procedures are sources for determining psychomotor learning
Psychomotor learning objectives address the following levels of performance:
These levels of performance can be used to identify objectives that, when met by trainees,
enable them to achieve competency. Psychomotor objectives are generally sequenced to
correspond with procedural/task performance requirements. They are taught in the same
sequence that they are performed.
Observation of the task to be learned is the first level of psychomotor performance. At this
level, trainees position themselves to watch a subject matter expert demonstrate the task or
behavior to be learned. During observation, it is helpful for trainees to share the same point
of view as the subject matter expert. The following example verbs are appropriate:
observe, record, or question.
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