| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1200-97
Given a coolant rupture simulation, record the immediate action steps
taken by a Reactor Operator using the simulator.
Simulating the performance of a task enables the trainee to try the behavior in a controlled
environment that permits error, provides feedback, and refines performance. Example verbs
at this level are simulate, show, or practice.
Given the Loss of Flow Simulator and the prescribed action conditions,
simulate the Reactor Operator actions required for a coolant rupture in
accordance with the procedure.
Performance of the task is the third level of psychomotor learning objectives. At this stage,
trainees have developed competency through observation, practice, and/or simulation and
are capable of demonstrating the learned behavior. The performance of an objective or
learned task should occur in the actual setting in which the task normally takes place or at a
location as similar as possible to the actual setting. Example verbs include assemble, operate,
or repair.
Given all necessary tools, materials, and the procedure, disassemble an
Air Joy WG09 air compressor in accordance with the procedure.
3.3 Affective Learning Objectives
Affective objectives define the attitudes and values associated with reliable job
performance. They identify the non-technical aspects of effective performance by
communicating company policy and culture.
Company policy, ethics, and professional standards are sources of affective learning
objectives. The use of affective learning objectives can reinforce the culture of a facility by
making company values visible. In so doing, affective learning objectives contribute to
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