| DOE-HDBK-1203-97
A training program for managers and first-line supervisors has been included as a separate
Section of this guide because DOE Order 5480.20A, "Personnel Selection, Qualification, and
Training Requirements for DOE Nuclear Facilities" contains training program content
requirements for managers and supervisors. DOE Order 5480.20A also requires that
managers participate in the portions of the technical staff training program appropriate to
their job responsibilities.
In addition, the Order requires that managers receive training appropriate to their positions.
The training goal should be to aid the individual in making the transition from a technical
position to a managerial one and to contribute to job performance. Learning objectives from
the topics in this Section should be included in the program as appropriate to the position.
The training program for managers is organized in modules. The training described in this
Section may be provided in any sequence. Because this guide is intended for use at all
DOE nuclear facilities (reactor and non-reactor) some of the topics may not apply at all
facilities. Only the topics that have applicability should be considered for inclusion in training
programs for managers.
5.1 Supervisory Skills Training
The purpose of this module is to aid the individual's transition to management. Training
should achieve the following:
Prepare the individual for increased administrative responsibilities in areas
such as:
delegation of work
efficient recordkeeping
recordkeeping systems and requirements
time management
labor relations
expanding understanding of the management system, its
interrelationships, and its lines of communication
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