| DOE-HDBK-1204-97
Test items that are called essay-format include those requiring the trainee to provide
calculations, graphs, descriptions, arguments, estimates, sketches, or combinations of
these. The trainee has to determine the answer and select the means of communication.
Essay-format test items should be used when the need is to have the trainee express
himself/herself or to recall information from memory rather than to present the information to
the trainee for recognition or identification. Test items of this format can test the whole
range of abilities, but they usually are considered most suitable for application, analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation. The test item and the associated grading criteria must be
prepared concurrently. The examiner grading the test item must be knowledgeable in the
subject matter.
9.1 Styles of Essay-Format Test Items
There are two major styles of essay-format test items: structured and unstructured. In each
case, trainees must supply the correct answer. However, the unstructured test items
require a greater amount of analysis and composition than are required by structured test
The unstructured essay-format test item is appropriate where a learning objective expects a
trainee to organize ideas, to develop a logical argument, to present evaluations of certain
thoughts, to communicate thoughts and feelings, or to demonstrate other abilities requiring
original written expression. An example of this format would be an assignment for the
trainee to "write a paper explaining the pro's and con's of using written procedures." A
disadvantage of the unstructured essay-format test item is that scoring the response in an
objective manner is difficult and time-consuming.
The structured essay-format test item does not have to be limited to testing for recall and
comprehension. It can be designed to require the trainees to apply their knowledge and
skills to solve new problems or analyze a novel situation. One way to do this is to write test
item statements that require the trainee to apply their knowledge to specific material given
in the test. For instance, a description of a particular, along with the initial facility
conditions, can be given in the test item statement. One advantage of the structured
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