| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1204-97
essay-format test item is that by narrowing the focus of the test item statement to elicit
specific and well-defined behaviors, the trainees are more likely to interpret the statement
as the test developer intended. The structured essay-format test item also prompts the test
developer to provide more clarity in presenting the correct answers, which can lead to
improved reliability of scoring.
A disadvantage of all essay-format test items lies in their application, since they are often
easier to develop than the multiple-choice test item. A good application of the essay-format
test item is to offer the trainee an opportunity to exhibit abilities for written production,
organization, expression, and interrelationships among ideas. A poor use of the
essay-format test item is to test for factual information. The trainer can make a more
appropriate test item format selection by analyzing whether the related objectives require
the trainee to recall and supply answers or to recognize already supplied answers. If the
latter applies, the multiple-choice test items are preferable because they allow for more
objective scoring.
9.2 Examples of Essay-Format Test Items
It is possible to express the same test item as either a structured or unstructured test item.
Two extremes are shown here:
Structured Essay-Format Test items:
A pressurized water reactor at full power has the following conditions:
Core flow (100%)
Core )T (60EF)
The reactor is operating at steady-state power with four loops operating. One
reactor coolant pump trips, resulting in a three-loop operation. The rod control
system is in automatic. The reactor has not tripped.
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