| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1204-97
Sketch graphs of RCS mass flow, reactor power, core )T, and steam
generator pressure versus time if no operator action is taken. Use the
same time axis for all graphs. (4 points)
(4 points)
This test item gives the trainee clear guidelines on what is expected. This is termed a
structured test item and requires little personal initiative, but a clear requirement exists to
apply knowledge gained from theoretical and practical experience in the course. Also, this
test item lends itself to more consistent grading, and is, therefore, more objective.
Unstructured Essay-Format Test item:
A pressurized water reactor is operating at 100% steady-state power. One
reactor coolant pump trips resulting in a three-loop operation. Explain what
happens if the reactor does not trip and no operator action is taken. State any
assumptions you make. (8 points)
This test item requires the trainee to interpret the word "explain." S/He must decide what
the important issues are, what assumptions to make (possibly based on parameters taken
from his/her own experience) and then communicate the issues and assumptions by
whatever means he thinks are appropriate. Some trainees may use graphs and a short
explanation; others may use only an explanation. Each answer will be unique. This test
item requires the trainee to clearly express understanding of the topic.
Unstructured essay-formats are more difficult to grade consistently because of the
variations that are possible, relative to assumptions the trainee must make. Consequently,
the grading becomes much more subjective in test items such as the one in the foregoing
For assessment purposes, most test-item developers prefer to write structured essay-format
test items. Unstructured essay-format test items are most appropriate in learning exercises
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