| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1206-98
Instructors and training material designers/developers should design each evaluation standard
so that different OJT instructors will administer the test consistently. The test should require
actual task performance if possible. The DOE Guide to Good Practices for Design,
Development, and Implementation of Examinations contains detailed guidance for developing
performance tests.
The methods of conducting OJT and the required level of accomplishing performance testing
is determined during the TES development process. The acceptable level of accomplishment
(perform, simulate, observe, discuss) should be specified in each TES. Certain tasks should
require that a trainee demonstrate achievement of the terminal objective through actual task
performance. A core of tasks that must be performed should be identified by line and training
management. These tasks are typically overtrain tasks or those that may be critical to safety.
Ultimately, the training and performance testing an employee receives should lead to qualifying
that individual to perform the task. Therefore, the majority of tasks should be performance
coded as either perform or simulate. Observe and discuss are primarily used for knowledge
assessments. Appendix A, Performance Test Code Guidelines, may be used to help
determine the most applicable level of accomplishment for a given task.
Development phase activities include the writing of training materials such as OJT checklists,
qualification standards, and OJT guides. Additional activities include the selection and training
of OJT instructors. The specifications generated in the design phase are used to develop an
OJT program and all required training materials. Care should be taken to keep OJT materials
simple and usable.
OJT checklists (qualification cards) that are specific to an individual OJT program should be
developed to document training and performance testing. OJT checklists should be based on
knowledge and skills required by the training and evaluation standards. Required level/levels
of accomplishing performance testing should be specified for each task. Appendix B contains
two examples of OJT checklists that are in use at DOE nuclear facilities.
While many options exist for the format of an OJT checklist, only two general formats will be
discussed. The first, and probably the most common, is simply a list of all the tasks required
for qualification and the required level of performance test accomplishment (the Power Plant
Area Practical Factors Card in Appendix B is an example of this format). In this case, the OJT
checklist is used as a signature record card to document the performance testing for each
task. The completion of training for each task should also be documented on the OJT
checklist. An OJT checklist should reference the OJT guides used to conduct the training and
the evaluation standards used to conduct the performance tests. If the trainee must be trained
and performance tested on a number of tasks to become qualified, this format is usually the
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