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Operations and Implementation
DOE Rocky Flats Field Office
The Operations and Implementation functional area sub-team was further augmented by six
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Areas of SME expertise included maintenance, industrial
hygiene, training, radiological controls, security, and criticality safety. Experiences in similar
verifications demonstrate that these functional areas and SME assignments are optimum for a
review of ISMS. SME selection should reflect the unique conditions at the individual site. The
combination of Business, Budget, and Contracts (BBC) with Management (MG) should be
considered in review preparation and planning as these areas are closely associated.
3. Criteria and Review Approach Document (CRAD) Development. The ISMS verification
team developed the CRADs for this verification in a format similar to CRADs used during
Operational Readiness Reviews (ORRs). The review approach provided flexibility for developing
CRADs among the functional area sub-teams. Based on the unique nature of the Integrating
Contract at Rocky Flats, the management functional area sub-team used separate CRADs for the
Integrating Contractor and each of the first-tier subcontractors. Phase II management results for
B371/374 and B664 were evaluated using the same CRADS for Phase I. The results were
recorded separately. The Operations and Implementation functional area sub-team used a specific
objective to document Phase II results separately. Other functional area sub-teams recorded
Phase I and Phase II results together and separated them later during the report writing phase. It
is recommended that in future reviews, one approach be used for the entire team which would
eliminate the Phase I and Phase II distinction when the reviews are conducted concurrently.
Conformity simplifies the development and the compilation of the results.
4. Review Sequence. Site preliminary meetings with the Team Leader were held well before the
start of the review to meet site personnel responsible for ISMS and to discuss the conduct of the
review. A four week review sequence was used for the ISMS verification at Rocky Flats and was
similar to that used during the Savannah River Site ISMS verification. The sequence was as
a. Week One/Initial Site Orientation and Team Preparations . A three-day site visit was
used to train the team, to explain the verification methodology, and to develop the
CRADs to be used for the review. This pre-visit was also an opportunity to assemble the
team and for the team to meet the Kaiser-Hill (K-H) management personnel responsible
for developing the ISMS. The ISMS Executive Course, recently developed at DOE
Headquarters, was presented for the team training. The following lessons learned are
pertinent to the initial site orientation and team preparations:
It was necessary to replace some team members after the first team visit. This is
not optimum and consideration must be given to providing new team members
with appropriate training and indoctrination.
It is essential to emphasize that an ISMS verification is not a programmatic
review, but rather a review of established policy, manuals of practice, and
processes at the site. This should be made a part of the training for the team and
replacement team members should receive this indoctrination.

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