| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
The verification will lack breadth and have reduced value if the team members lack
a conceptual understanding of ISMS. The training will not ensure an adequate
understanding unless the individual team members are familiar with the Policy,
FRAM, the DEAR, and the ISMS Guide to gain a full appreciation for the
principles and the functions of ISMS.
Discussions of the process used to complete forms and agreements on format
should be provided to the team. Samples of completed assessment forms should
be passed out to all team members and should be used to stimulate discussion.
Briefings should be provided which focus at the site level as well as at the division
or individual subcontractor level. In addition, briefings should be provided which
show ISMS at the individual facility or activity as appropriate.
b. Week Two/ISMS Briefings and Final Preparations. A second one week period at the
site was scheduled three weeks following the first visit to permit the K-H and RFFO
management to present an overview of the ISMS Description and ISMS processes used at
the site to the team. K-H and the four first tier subcontractors presented three and one-
half days of briefings on topics relating to the manner in which the five core functions and
seven principles were addressed in the ISMS Description and site manuals. As in the
Savannah River experience, this process was effective in preparing the team and the K-H
and RFFO personnel in establishing the expectations for the review. An outline of the
schedule used for these briefings is included at the end of the Combined Phase I and Phase
II Lessons Learned. The following lessons learned are pertinent to the Team Briefing and
Final Preparations:
The briefings by the contractor are necessary to provide the verification team
members with information concerning the processes in place and should be made a
part of every verification effort.
Good communications between the team and the contractor/DOE are required so
that the presentations provide information useful to the team.
Briefings provided for review should include information on site organization,
points of contact, and pertinent programs and documents.
Guidance from the Team Leader should be provided sufficiently well in advance of
the briefings to ensure the content and format of this material is helpful in initiating
the review. Guidance on the content of the briefings is provided in the Phase I
lessons learned from the SRS reviews. These generic guidelines are applicable
here as well.
Allow sufficient time between the briefing, final preparations phase, and
commencement of the review process to permit the contractor to make all the
necessary preparations such as developing the interview schedule, assembling
documents for the team, and briefing site personnel on expectations. Because of
the sequence occurring in the Christmas holiday period, five weeks was allowed
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