| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
Criteria and Review Approach Template for Phase I ISMS Verifications
The following set of criteria and review approach documents (CRADs) provide a template for
developing a tailored approach for conducting a Phase I ISMS verification of an ISMS
Description. As discussed in Volume 2, Appendix E of DOE G 450.4-1, ISMS Guide, this review
is an assessment of the adequacy of the ISMS documentation as submitted to the Approval
Authority by the contractor. To be successful, Phase I is not just an administrative review of the
ISMS documentation, but is also a review of the procedures, policies, and manuals of practice
used to implement safety management. The review evaluates how these procedures, policies, and
manuals of practice have been implemented at the upper levels of management and includes
detailed discussions with key management personnel who are assigned, or will be assigned, safety
management responsibilities. The primary goal for the review is to provide a recommendation to
the approval authority as to whether the ISMS documentation should be approved. To reach that
conclusion, it is necessary to develop a complete understanding of the safety management
programs and to determine that, when implemented, they will satisfy DOE requirements for ISMS
and adequately manage the work safely. The review also includes an assessment of the adequacy
of the local DOE office responsibilities as they relate to ISMS interface functions, responsibilities,
and authorities.
Each CRAD objective includes a reference to the specific ISMS Core Expectation (CE) it
addresses. The referenced CE as delineated in DOE G 450.4-1, ISMS Guide, and Appendix 1 of
this handbook is included in parenthesis after the statement of the objective.
The full scope of the review of DOE responsibilities to support the development of ISMS is
contained in the Business, Budget and Contracts (BBC), Hazards Identification and Standard
Selection (HAZ), and DOE CRADs. These review approaches involve the review of DOE
programs and policies, interviews with DOE managers, and selected observations of DOE
interactions with the contractor. In preparation of the tailored CRADs for the DOE review, the
applicable DOE FRAM/FRA documents should be reviewed to determine the extent of the
review approaches. The policy does not specifically require a verification of DOE performance.
It is recommended that the Team Leader negotiate the inclusion of DOE in their verification.
Integrated Safety Management policy requirements are applicable to subcontractors as well as the
Management and Operation (M&O) or Management and Integration (M&I) contractors. This
applies to M&O/M&I subcontractors and any contractors working for DOE, if applicable. The
DEAR clause specifies that the subcontractors be required to either develop an individual ISMS
Description or to meet the requirements of the M&O/M&I ISMS Description. Therefore, it is
necessary that the ISMS verification include subcontractors and that as appropriate their ISMS
Description be evaluated utilizing the same core expectations. The CRADs should be
appropriately tailored to include the subcontractors.
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