| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
BBC.1 DOE and contractor procedures ensure that missions are translated into work,
expectations are set, tasks are identified and prioritized, and resources are allocated. (CE I-2, CE
I-6, CE I-7, CE I-9)
1. DOE guidance for translating mission into work includes delineating its plan of work.
This means the scope, schedule, and funding allocations for each fiscal year. (FRAM 9.2.1)
2. DOE guidance for setting expectations for the contractor is established through contracts
and regulations. These contracts and regulations provide guidance on expected performance,
set goals and priorities, and allocate resources. (FRAM 9.2.2)
3. DOE roles and responsibilities are clearly delineated to ensure a satisfactory level of safety,
accountability, and authority to define the scope of work. (FRAM 9.2.2)
4. DOE procedures ensure that the contractor adequately prioritizes work so that, when the
ISMS is implemented, mission and safety expectations are met within available budget and
resources. DOE procedures require that performance objectives and related goals and
priorities are reviewed and approved. (FRAM 9.2.4)
5. Contractor procedures translate mission expectations from DOE into tasks that permit
identification of resource requirements, relative prioritization, and performance measures that
are established consistent with DOE requirements (DEAR 970.5204-2, DOE P 450.5).
6. DOE and contractor procedures provide for DOE approval of proposed tasks and
prioritization. Work planning procedures provide for feedback and continuous improvement.
7. DOE and contractor procedures provide for change control of approved tasks,
prioritization, and identification of resources.
8. Contractor procedures provide for flowdown of DEAR 970.5204-2, "Integration of
Environment, Safety and Health into Work Planning and Execution," requirements into
subcontracts involving complex or hazardous work.
Record Review: Review the FRAM/FRA and DOE implementing procedures. Determine if
there is adequate guidance for DOE involvement in the clear definition of the scope of work.
Determine if the mechanisms for translation of the missions and policies from higher authority
are appropriate, if a mechanism for assigning priorities has been established, and if
performance objectives are reviewed and approved. Determine if the roles and responsibilities
for DOE personnel are adequate to support the corporate/site mission. Verify that DOE line
management and staff personnel roles, responsibilities, and authorities are appropriate to
support ISMS. Review personnel position descriptions, selection criteria, training programs
and training records to determine if the staff competency is adequate. Review mission
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