| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
Criteria and Review Approach Template for Phase II ISMS Verifications
The following set of criteria and review approach documents (CRADs) provide a template for
developing a tailored approach for conducting a Phase II ISMS verification of the implementation
of ISMS within a facility or activity. The CRADS have been developed to provide a tool to
enable the verification team to tailor a review based on evaluating the five functions of ISMS as
implemented at the facility or activity. They support the expectations and attributes of ISMS
described in Volume I, Chapter III of the ISMS GUIDE, DOE G 450.4-1.
All CRADs apply to each facility or activity to be reviewed. The Phase I ISMS verification
report should be carefully reviewed prior to preparing the Phase II ISMS CRADs to ensure the
recommended areas from the Phase I verification are included in the Phase II review. Team
composition and review duration should be tailored to the specific facility or activity. Experience
has shown that to successfully conduct a Phase II verification at a nuclear facility requires a team
of 6-8 personnel The review can be completed in one week. A second week following the on
site verification is generally required to analyze the results and write the report.
Each CRAD objective includes a reference to the specific ISMS Core Expectation (CE) it
addresses. The referenced CE as delineated in DOE G 450.4-1, ISMS GUIDE, and Appendix 1
of this handbook is included in parenthesis after the statement of the objective.
The CRADs have been divided and numbered to support a review that has Functional Areas of
Hazard Identification and Standard Selection (HAZ), Management (MG), Operations (OP),
Subject Matter Experts (SME), and Department of Energy Implementation (DOE).
In preparation of the tailored CRADs for the DOE review, the applicable DOE FRAM/FRA
documents should be reviewed to determine the extent of the review approaches.
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