| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
NOTE: The Team Leader should negotiate with the Approval Authority to include a review of
the effectiveness of DOE in their role in ISMS.
DOE.1 DOE procedures and mechanisms should ensure that work is formally and appropriately
authorized, and performed safely. DOE line managers should be involved in the review of safety
issues and concerns and should have an active role in authorizing and approving work and
operations. (CE II-7)
1. DOE procedures and/or mechanisms are in place that establish a process for confirming
readiness and authorizing operations. (FRAM 9.5.1 and 9.5.2)
2. DOE procedures and/or mechanisms ensure that the safety management system is properly
implemented and line management oversight of the contractor' worker, public, environment,
and facility protection programs is performed. (FRAM 9.5.2)
3. DOE procedures and/or mechanisms require day-to-day operational oversight of
contractor activities through Facility Representatives. (FRAM 9.5.2)
4. DOE procedures and/or mechanisms ensure the implementation of quality assurance
programs and ensure that contractors implement quality assurance programs. (FRAM 9.5.3)
Record Review: Review the FRAM/FRA and DOE implementing guidance to determine that
the process for the authorization and oversight of work is adequate. Verify that those DOE
personnel assigned to perform these functions have clear roles and responsibilities. Determine
if the oversight policy is balanced with risk and priority of mission. Review the quality
assurance program established by DOE and the interactions of that program with the
contractors quality assurance program. Verify DOE programs hold line management
responsible for safety and contain clear roles and responsibilities.
Interviews: Discuss work authorization and performance activities with DOE and contractor
personnel to determine if there are adequate mechanisms to ensure that work is properly
authorized at all levels. Determine if worker safety is perceived as an integral part of the
work authorization process and that workers are involved in issue resolution if appropriate.
Discuss the oversight programs with DOE and contractor personnel. Discuss the Facility
Representative (FR) programs with facility representatives and contractor personnel to
determine if the FR program is effective. Discuss oversight programs with DOE staff who
perform ES&H management and supervision assignments. During interviews, verify
understanding of line management responsibility for safety and understanding of clear roles
and responsibilities.
Observations: Observe selected facility representative and DOE staff oversight activities
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